Saturday, November 27, 2004


Vietnam floods kill 40

  HANOI (Reuters) - At least 40 people have been killed and 42 are missing as floods and landslides swept away houses and destroyed roads across parts of Vietnam, officials say.
 But hundreds of old wooden houses at a 16th-century United Nations world heritage site looked set to survive despite earlier fears many could collapse after flood waters reached as high as 2 metres (6 ft).

 ハノイ(ロイター)- 洪水と土砂崩れが家々を押し流し、ヴェトナム中で道路が破壊され、少なくとも40人が死亡、42人が行方不明になっていると当局者は語っている。

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Most Asian nations face living nightmare from climate change

Singapore: The weather predictions for Asia in 2050 read like a script from a doomsday movie. Except many climatologists and green groups fear they will come true unless there is a concerted global effort to rein in greenhouse gas emissions.
 In the decades to come, Asia, home to more than half the world's 6.3 billion people, will lurch from one climate extreme to another, with impoverished farmers battling droughts, floods, disease, food shortages and rising sea levels.


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Friday, November 26, 2004


Global Warming Fight To Get Harder from 2012, Says U.N.

 REYKJAVIK − Fighting global warming will get tougher once the Kyoto protocol ends in 2012 and the world must try to get Washington involved in the long term, the head of the U.N. Environment Programme said on Wednesday.
 Klaus Toepfer also welcomed Russia's ratification of the 128-nation plan, triggering a countdown to Kyoto's entry into force on February 16 next year even though the United States pulled out in 2001.

 レイキャビク - 地球温暖化との戦いは、京都議定書が 2012年に終わると一層厳しいものになるだろう。世界はワシントン(アメリカ政府)を長期にわたって取り込むよう努力しなければならないと、国連環境計画の長官は水曜日語った。
 クラウス・テプファーは、またロシアが 128ヵ国が参加する計画に批准し、京都議定書が来年2月16日に発効する契機となったことを歓迎した。アメリカ合衆国は 2001年に脱退したが。

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気候変動 -- それはアフリカの問題だろうか?

Climate change -- is it's Africa's problem?

 Climate change is a development issue for Africa, experts warned at a United Nations workshop in Nairobi this week.
 The developed countries might have created the problem of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, but all countries, and especially African countries, were going to have to deal with the consequences, politicians and scientists agreed.


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Wednesday, November 24, 2004


Toll from Philippine storms hits at least 65

 MANILA (Reuters) - At least 65 people have died and thousands been left homeless in the Philippines as fresh rains and flooding from a tropical storm compounded the misery and damage from a typhoon over the weekend.
 Air force and disaster officials said up to 16 people were killed in Aurora province, northeast of Manila, during heavy rains. The air force sent teams with rubber boats but some rescue helicopters could not land due to bad weather.

 マニラ(ロイター)- フィリピンでは、週末襲った台風の悲惨な被害に加え、熱帯低気圧による新たな豪雨や洪水で、少なくとも65人が死亡、数千人が家を失った。

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Sudan's Darfur Region Faces Drought Threat

 UNITED NATIONS - Sudan's Darfur region, already engulfed in a conflict that has forced 1.8 million people to flee their homes, faces a new threat - a drought that has all but wiped out this year's harvest, the top U.S. aid official says.
 Andrew Natsios, head of the U.S. Agency for International Development, said farmers who stayed on their land during the 21-month conflict are now beginning their major harvest, but they're expected to reap just 10 percent to 15 percent of the normal yield.

 国連 - スーダンのダルフール地域は、すでに紛争に巻き込まれ180万人が故郷を逃れる事を余儀なくされているが、新たな脅威に直面している。今年の収穫を無にしてしまう干ばつであると、アメリカの援助当局は語っている。

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Sunday, November 21, 2004


Greens paint grim picture

 BANGKOK (Reuters) - Environmentalists have forecast a grim future for planet Earth, predicting that droughts, heatwaves and hurricanes will become increasingly common and more severe if global warming is allowed to continue unchecked.
 A coalition of eight of the world's largest conservation organisations said Russia's recent ratification of the Kyoto protocol on carbon dioxide emissions had given fresh impetus to the drive to cut global output of greenhouse gases.

 バンコク(ローター)- 環境保護主義者たちは、地球温暖化への対策を怠り続ければ、干ばつや熱波、ハリケーンなどが次第に増加し激しさを増すと予測し、地球のおぞましい未来を予告している。

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Thursday, November 18, 2004


Illegal Logging Claimed in Yunnan

 Greenpeace China has released a statement saying that an Indonesian company is illegally logging parts of Yunnan.
 The group said a large paper and pulp project by Asia Pulp & Paper Co Ltd (APP) in the southwestern Chinese province could devastate natural forests.
 The allegations were denied by APP sources on Tuesday, whilst Yunnan officials said the project is considered a "good one."
 The international non-governmental organization called for a halt and reassessment of the project.

 その主張は、火曜日に APP筋からは否定され、雲南当局はそのプロジェクトは「よいもの」と考えられていると語った。

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Death toll rises from Indonesian quake

 The death toll from a powerful earthquake and aftershocks in Indonesia has hit 25 with fears it could rise even higher.
 A relief team is trekking to remote villages to offer help after the tremors on Alor island near East Timor.


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Guangdong drought worsening

 GUANGZHOU: Drought has spread in South China's Guangdong Province to 84 cities and counties, affecting more than 2 million residents there.
 The disaster could even worsen in the coming months, with local meteorological forecasters saying there will continue to be little rainfall until the arrival of spring.


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Tuesday, November 16, 2004


17 perish in Indonesia quake

 JAKARTA: A series of powerful earthquakes rocked eastern Indonesia on Friday, killing at least 17 people and injuring more than 160 others. It struck at 4:26am. Local meteorologists put the magnitude of the quake at 6.0 on the Richter scale, while the Observatory of Earth Sciences in Strasbourg recorded it as 7.3.
 The quake was felt in the nearby country East Timor, struck Alor Island, 1,000kms east of the island resort Bali, destroyed hundreds of homes and left hospitals struggling to cope with the wounded. Quakes of such size render massive destruction and result in high casualty figures but the tolls was lower due to low-levels of urbanisation in Alor. mean that.

 ジャカルタ:一連の強い地震が、金曜日インドネシア東部を襲い、少なくとも17人が死亡、他に 160人以上負傷した。地震は午前4時26分に発生。現地の気象官たちはリヒタースケールで 6.0のマグニチュードの地震としたが、シュトラスブルク地球科学観測所は、7.3を記録している。
 地震は、近くの国、東チモールでも感じられ、リゾートの島バリの東 1000kmのアロル島を襲い、数百の家屋を破壊し、病院は怪我人の手当てで混乱した。この大きさの地震は、大規模な破壊を引き起こし多数の犠牲者をもたらすが、アロル島では都市化が進んでいなかったことから死者は少なかった。

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Brazil Moves to Protect Virgin Amazon Rainforest

 Nov. 12—RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil — Brazil's president this week signed decrees creating more than 7,400 square miles of land preserves in remote eastern Amazon regions where long-term residents are under attack by violent land speculators and their gangs.
 The action by President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is designed to hold off illegal lumber harvesters, squatters and speculators who are keen to clear jungle for soybean farms along the Riozinho do Anfrizio, an Amazon tributary that runs through one of Brazil's few remaining areas of virgin rainforest. A second decree protects Verde para Sempre, another region of Brazil's Para State that's beset by violent land conflicts. Da Silva created the designations on Wednesday.

 11月12日 - リオデジャネイロ、ブラジル - ブラジルの大統領は、今週アマゾン東端地域の 7,400平方マイル以上を保護区に指定する法案に署名した。そこは、地元の住民が暴力的な土地投機家や彼らの無法者によって攻撃に曝されている。

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Sunday, November 14, 2004


Australia in grip of water crisis

 Sydney (BBC) - There is a warning that some of Australia's major cities could run out of drinking water.
 Much of this arid continent is in the grip of one of the driest periods in living memory.
 "We're in a sustained drought now and if that goes on for another year, we're going to have real problems," Professor Peter Cullen, leader of the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. "Some of our major (cities) are really in a race at the moment to see who's going to run out of water first."

 シドニー(BBC)- オーストラリアの大都市のいくつかは飲料水が不足する恐れがあると警告している。

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China reveals official greenhouse gas emission figures for first time

 BEIJING (AFP) - China officially revealed for the first time the amount of greenhouse gases it emits, as a UN official warned it could be the source of even more harmful emissions with its rapid development.
 In a report China is required to submit as a signatory to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, it said it emitted 2.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide, 34.29 million tons of methane and 850,000 tons of nitrous oxide in 1994.

 北京(AFP) - 中国は、公式に初めて中国が排出する温室効果ガスの量を明らかにした。国連当局は、中国の急速な発展によりさらに一層有害な排出国になるだろうと警告している。
 中国が気候変動に関する国連フレームワークコンベンション加盟国として提出することが求められていたある報告書で、中国は 1994年に 二酸化炭素 26億トン、メタンガス 3,429万トン、亜酸化窒素を 85万トン排出したと報告している。

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Artic meltdown gathers speed

 OSLO (Reuters) - Global warming is heating the Arctic almost twice as fast as the rest of the planet in a thaw that threatens millions of livelihoods and could wipe out polar bears by 2100, an eight-nation report says.
 The biggest survey to date of the Arctic climate, by 250 scientists, said the accelerating melt could be a foretaste of wider disruptions from a build-up of human emissions of heat-trapping gases in the earth's atmosphere.

 オスロ(ロイター)- 地球温暖化は、北極地方を地球の他の地域のほぼ2倍の速さで暖めており、その氷解は何百万という人々の暮らしを脅かし、2100年までに北極熊を絶滅させる可能性があると、8ヵ国の報告書は述べている。

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Air pollution link to heart disease

 Researchers reported a link yesterday between long-term air pollution and the early stages of artery disease in people long before they showed obvious symptoms.
 They suggested tiny particles of pollutants from fossil fuels used in motor vehicles and industrial processes such as smelting and processing metals were triggering inflammatory reactions in the respiratory system and blood vessels; and that this began a long process that leads to a hardening of the arteries, then heart disease and strokes.


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Tuesday, November 09, 2004


Farmers needed for greenhouse gas study

 Corangamite Shire is searching for 55 farmers throughout the south-west Victorian shire who can take part in a study to determine the amount of greenhouse gas the municipality's farms emit.
 The project is ultimately aimed at reducing greenhouse gas and is part of the global push to achieve that goal.
 The shire's planning and environment officer, Lyall Bond, says each farm will be given a computer program to identify and calculate the emissions from their farms.


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Monday, November 08, 2004


Climate change 'big threat'

 Farmers received a warning from across the Tasman last week about the likely impact of climate change on agriculture.
 At the Climate Change and Business conference in Auckland, Garry English, of the Western Australia Farmers Federation, urged farmers to "wake up". "Of all the threats to our industry, this is the biggest," he said.


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Japan now has to get serious about greenhouse gases

 When Russian President Vladimir Putin put the finishing touches on his country's ratification of the Kyoto Protocol on Friday, reducing greenhouse gas emissions also moved one notch higher on Japan's policy agenda.
 The 1997 Kyoto Protocol on curbing greenhouse gas emissions needed the ratification of industrialized nations that together accounted for at least 55 percent of emissions of developed countries in 1990. The participation of Russia, whose emissions accounted for 17.4 percent of the total, paves the way for the pact to take effect in February.

 1997年の温室効果ガス排出抑制に関する京都議定書は、合わせて 1990年先進国が排出したガスの少なくとも55%となるだけの先進国の批准が必要であった。全体の 17.4パーセントを排出するロシアの参加で、2月にもその条約が発効する道を開いた。

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Putin signs up Russia for Kyoto pact

 MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin has given his seal of approval for Russia's crucial backing of the Kyoto Protocol, clearing the way for the U.N. environment pact aimed at curbing global warming to come into force early next year.
 The Kremlin said Putin signed a parliament bill late on Thursday confirming Russia's ratification of the protocol. Both chambers of Russia's parliament approved ratification of the pact last month after Putin pointed the way.

 モスクワ(ロイター)- ヴラジミール・プーチン大統領は、ロシアの支持が重要な京都議定書に承認署名した。これで来年早くに地球温暖化を抑制する目的の国連環境条約が発効する道が開かれた。

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Sunday, November 07, 2004


Beijing facing pollution "state of emergency"

 BEIJING (Reuters) - China's capital is in "a state of emergency" because of air pollution and one of the biggest polluters in the city, host of
the 2008 Olympics, will slash production till the end of the year, state media says.
 Improving air quality is key to the city's drive to be ready to host the 2008 summer Games, and visiting International Olympic Committee
officials have seen the air quality at its worst over recent days.

 北京(ロイター)- 中国の首都は大気汚染のために「緊急事態」にあり、2008年オリンピック開催国であるその都市最大の汚染源の一つが、その年の終わりまでに生産を削減するだろう。
 大気の状態を改善することが、その都市が 2008年夏のオリンピックを開催する準備を進めているかの鍵である。北京を訪れた国際オリンピック委員会は、大気の状態が最近で最も悪化していることを見ている。

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Thursday, November 04, 2004


Climate gas cuts 'are affordable'

 The world can ward off a dangerous rise in temperature much more cheaply than many people think, a UK scientist says.
 Professor John Schellnhuber, of the University of East Anglia, believes the cost of averting runaway climate change could be as low as 0.3% of global GDP.

 イースト・アングリア大学のジョン・シュネルンフーバー教授は、気候変動の急激な変化を防ぐ費用は、地球の GDPの 0.3%程度であると信じている。

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Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Do we have the political will to save the planet?

 ANOTHER day, another environmental doomsday scenario predicting the demise of the planet and the ultimate extinction of the human race.
 And no prizes for guessing the culprit either. Climate change caused by global warming is again in the news, this time responsible for melting the Arctic ice-cap at an unprecedented rate with potentially catastrophic consequences.


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Flood evacuees complain of stress disorders

 Several evacuees from the flood in Toyooka, Hyogo Prefecture, caused by Typhoon No. 23, have complained of acute stress disorder (ASD) symptoms, including dizziness, depression and insomnia, Toyooka Hospital said Tuesday.
 The evacuees have complained of recurring nightmares about floods and have had trouble sleeping.

 台風23号による兵庫県豊岡市での洪水で避難した数人が、目眩や鬱、不眠などの ASD症候群で苦しんでいると、豊岡病院が火曜日語った。

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