Thursday, October 28, 2004


2-Year-Old Boy Rescued After Japan Quake

 TOKYO - In a dramatic rescue shown on live TV, a 2-year-old boy was pulled out alive Wednesday after four days trapped inside his family's minivan, buried by an earthquake-induced landslide.
 The joy was muted, however, by news that rescuers were unable to save Yuta Minagawa's mother, and the fate of his 3-year-old sister looked increasingly grim.

 東京 - 劇的な救出がテレビの生中継で放映された。地震による土砂崩れで埋まった家族のミニバンの中に4日間閉じこめられていた2才の少年が生きたまま救出された。

 from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


6.0-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Japan Again

 TOKYO - A 6.0-magnitude earthquake hit a quake-ravaged area of northern Japan on Wednesday, officials said. No injuries or damage were immediately reported.
 The Japan Meteorological Agency said the quake was centered at a depth of six miles.
 The quake hit the same area where a 6.8-magnitude quake and a series of strong aftershocks struck on Saturday, killing at least 31 people and injuring some 2,500.

 東京 - マグニチュード6.0の地震が水曜日地震の被害を受けた北日本の地域を襲ったと当局者は語っている。怪我人や被害はまだ報告されていない。
 その地域は、土曜日マグニチュード6.8の地震とそれに続く一連の余震で、少なくとも31人が死亡、およそ 2,500人が負傷している。

 from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Japan recovering from quakes

 100,000 seek shelter as region continues to roll with aftershocks
 NAGAOKA, JAPAN - More than 100,000 exhausted survivors of Japan's deadliest earthquake in a decade bedded down again in schools, cars and tents today as rain threatened to trigger more landslides and hamper rescue efforts.
 Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi flew on a military aircraft to the devastated area in an attempt to lift the spirits of the thousands left homeless and see for himself the damage caused by Saturday's quake and aftershocks that have killed 31.

 長岡、日本 - ここ10年で日本最大の地震で被災した 100,000人以上の人々が、今日もまた学校や車、テントの中で夜を明かした。雨がさらなる土砂崩れを引き起こしたり救助活動を妨げる恐れがある。

 from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network


Typhoon swipes Taiwan; shuts schools, businesses

 Howling winds and torrential rain lashed Taiwan on Monday as a rare autumn typhoon bore down on the island's eastern shore, forcing schools and businesses in Taipei and other regions to close.
 There were no immediate reports of casualties, though a 54-year-old fisherman was missing after his small raft flipped over in high waves off the northeastern coast of Ilan on Sunday morning, said an official at the disaster recovery centre.


from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network

Monday, October 25, 2004


Death Toll Now 21 In Earthquakes In Japan

 TOKYO -- Tens of thousands of Japanese huddled in emergency shelters Sunday after a series of earthquakes in northern Japan flattened homes, toppled bridges and derailed trains, killing at least 21 people and reportedly injuring some 1,500.
 A 6.8-magnitude quake rocked the largely rural Niigata prefecture Saturday evening, rattling buildings as far away as the Japanese capital. Several strong quakes followed through the night, and aftershocks continued to jolt the area Sunday.

 東京 -- 日曜日数万人の日本人が緊急避難所に押し寄せている。北日本での一連の地震で家は潰れ、橋は落ち、列車は脱線し、少なくとも21人が死亡、怪我人はおよそ 1,500人と伝えられている。
 マグニチュード 6.8の地震が日曜日の晩新潟県地方を広く襲い、遠く離れた日本の首都でも建物が揺れた。数回に及ぶ強い地震がその夜続き、余震は日曜日その地域を揺さぶり続けている。

 from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network

Sunday, October 24, 2004


The wreckage of Haiti's dreams

 While supporters of the recently ousted President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, battle with police in the Haitian capital, the northern town of Gonaives is trying to recover from a tropical storm, which killed 2,000 people, destroyed homes and left survivors starving. Will the Haitian people ever be able to enjoy the independent status secured 200 years ago?

 最近追い出された大統領ジャン・ベルトラン・アリスティデの支持者たちは、ハイチの首都で警察と衝突している一方、北部の町ゴネヴでは、熱帯性暴風雨からの復興に取りかかっている。その嵐は 2000人の人命を奪い家々を破壊し、残された人々も餓えに苦しんでいる。ハイチの人々は 200年前に得た独立を享受することができるのだろうか。

 from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network

Saturday, October 23, 2004


Russia set to ratify Kyoto

 MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's parliament is due to vote on ratifying the Kyoto Protocol, the last hurdle before the long-delayed climate change treaty comes into force worldwide.
 Russian ratification would push the 126-nation U.N. pact, aimed at battling global warming through curbing greenhouse gas emissions, over the threshold of 55 percent of developed nations' emissions needed to make it internationally binding.

 モスクワ(ロイター)- ロシア議会は、京都議定書を批准する投票を行う予定である。それは長く遅れていた気候変動に関する条約が世界で発効する最後のハードルであった。
 ロシアの批准によって、世界で合わせて先進国の排出量の55%を超えることになり、温室効果ガス排出を削減することで地球温暖化と戦おうとする 126ヵ国の国連条約を推し進めることになるだろう。

 from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network


Climate change threatens world aid effort

 Britain's development and aid agencies joined together yesterday to recognise formally that climate change is the most serious problem facing the poor of the world.
 In a new report on the effects of global warming on developing nations,Up In Smoke, a coalition of 18 aid and green groups, from Oxfam and Action Aid to Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, agreed that the warming climate could wipe out all the hard-won development gains of the past half century, and that poor countries would suffer worst of all.


 from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network

Friday, October 22, 2004


Deadly typhoon strike Japan

 TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's deadliest typhoon in more than a decade has killed at least 55 people, officials say as rescuers search frantically for 33 still missing in floods and landslides.
 Many people died in landslides set off by the heavy rains from Typhoon Tokage that pounded much of Japan on Wednesday.
 Others died in flooding or were swept away by massive waves as Tokage, which means lizard in Japanese, roared northeast.

 東京(ロイター)- 日本ではここ数十年で最悪の台風で少なくとも55人が死亡、さらに洪水や土砂崩れで33人が行方不明となっており懸命な救助活動が行われていると当局者は語っている。

 from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network


Kyoto, more on global warming

 THERE'S something more calamitous than wars. That, according to environmentalists, is global warming; and goes unchecked; it will displace millions of people and destabilize many countries. How bad is the scenario, and how are we trying to control the situation?
 Dear readers, this is a situation that affects all of us, in one-way or the other. Take Europe for example. I remember being in Britain, off and on, since my childhood. The Britain today is not the Britain some 30 years ago, when the climate was more friendly during the summer months. I have never experienced a summer as uncomfortable as the one this year when I was there on a visit.


 from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network

Thursday, October 21, 2004


Typhoon batters south-west Japan

 The biggest typhoon in a decade has torn across Japan, killing at least 31 people and injuring 200 while another 40 are reported missing.
 Typhoon Tokage reached speeds of 229 km/h (142 mph) as it battered the south-west, forcing thousands to evacuate amid the threat of mudslides.

 台風トカゲは、風速 229km/h(142mph)(64m/s)の突風を伴って西日本を襲い、数千人が土砂災害の恐れの中避難を余儀なくされた。

 from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network


Human cost of climate change

 Global warming threatens to reverse human progress and make international targets on halving world poverty by 2015 unattainable.
 The claim comes after a summer marred by the havoc wrought across the Caribbean by hurricanes Jeanne and Ivan and the worst flooding in recent years in Bangladesh. The fear is that, in a world in which global warming is already happening, such severe weather events are likely to be more frequent and extreme.


 from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


Global climate change to kill Earth with ice and deserts

 Planet Earth is a live organism, which reacts instantly to 'wounds'
 The history of human civilization on planet Earth counts three million years. However, the things that people have been doing to their planet for many decades, cause irreparable damage to all living beings, including humans themselves. Homo sapiens is the only terrestrial creature, which may kill the whole planet. That is why ecology, which used to be just a branch of biology, has now become the science of the man-caused environmental pollution.


 from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network


Graziers fear ongoing drought

 Rural group Agforce says producers in western Queensland are hoping there will be a good wet season this year.
 The group's president, Peter Kenny, says there has been little rain since January.
 He says graziers need a break after dealing with more than four years of drought.


 from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network

Wednesday, October 06, 2004


Visitors Await Mount St. Helens Eruption

 Larger Eruption Could Be on the Way After Mount St. Helens Belches Bursts of Steam
 MOUNT ST. HELENS NATIONAL MONUMENT, Wash. Oct. 5, 2004 — Visitors have gathered by the hundreds to watch Mount St. Helens blow off steam, and so far the volcano has not disappointed.
 But the weather was about to put a damper on the show: After days of clear views of steam bursts amid mounting signs of a larger eruption, the National Weather Service was predicting mostly cloudy skies with rain likely by Tuesday night.

 セントヘレンズ山国立記念物、ワシントン州、2004年10月5日 - セントヘレンズ山が水蒸気を吹き上げるのを見ようと数百人が集まった。これまでのところ、火山は期待を裏切ってはいない。

 from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network

Monday, October 04, 2004


Talk of El Nino Floods, Droughts Worries Farmers

 SINGAPORE (Reuters) - After a seemingly unending string of hurricanes and typhoons, talk that the "little boy" is stirring in the Pacific is unwelcome news for weather-battered farmers.
 International weather forecasters are warning that the phenomenon known as El Nino could rear up over the next few months, possibly bringing a wrath of flooding in some parts of the Americas and crop-busting droughts in Southeast Asia and Australia.

 シンガポール(ロイター) - 終わりのないように思えるハリケーンや台風があっただけに、「エルニーニョ(幼い少年)」が太平洋で発生するだろうという話は、気象に苦しむ農民にとっては歓迎されざるニュースである。

 from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network

ハイチの洪水による死者 2,400人に

Haiti flood death toll rises to 2,400

 More than a week after devastating floods hit northern Haiti, aid workers are still struggling to feed thousands of people and the death toll continues to rise as reports come in from outlying areas.
 The estimated toll from the floods triggered by tropical storm Jeanne rose to about 2,400 after a parish priest reported a "total disaster" in small towns in Poteau, a region outside Gonaives.

 熱帯性暴風雨ジーンによって引き起こされた洪水による死者は、教区司祭がゴネヴの外の地域、ポトの小さな町が「全滅した」と報告したことから、およそ 2,400人にまでふくれあがった。

 from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network