Thursday, March 31, 2005

世界の状態は? 大災害の瀬戸際にいるのではないか

The state of the world? It is on the brink of disaster

 An authoritative study of the biological relationships vital to maintaining life has found disturbing evidence of man-made degradation.
 Planet Earth stands on the cusp of disaster and people should no longer take it for granted that their children and grandchildren will survive in the environmentally degraded world of the 21st century. This is not the doom-laden talk of green activists but the considered opinion of 1,300 leading scientists from 95 countries who will today publish a detailed assessment of the state of the world at the start of the new millennium.

 地球という惑星は、大災害のすぐそばにいる。人々は、子供や孫たちが21世紀には環境の悪化した世界で生き延びなければならないのは当然のことだともはや認めなければならない。これはグリーン(環境主義)活動家たちの語る暗い運命ではなく、今日新たなミレニアムの初めに世界の環境状況の詳細なアセスメントを出版する95カ国 1300人の先端科学者たちの考えをまとめた意見である。

Friday, March 18, 2005


More Soy, Less Forest - and No Water

 BUENOS AIRES, Mar 17 (IPS) - In the Argentine province of Córdoba, the prosperity of the countryside stands in stark contrast to an increasingly bleak outlook for the environment.
 The district has the highest deforestation rate in the country and there are numerous areas already suffering water shortages due to the climate changes caused by the felling of the forests, according to environmentalists.
 In the past few years, soy has become Argentina's main export crop, and the central province of Córdoba is heavily involved in soy production for the global market.

 ブエノスアイレス、3月17日(IPS)- アルゼンチンのコルドバ地方では、田園地帯での繁栄が、絶えず増大する荒涼たる環境と著しい対比をみせている。

 from Google Alert

Thursday, March 17, 2005


 Himalayan squeeze snapping at heels: Experts

 Calcutta, March 16: The fast-receding Himalayan glaciers might impact the environment and the economy sooner than you think, experts have said.
 The Worldwide Fund for Nature had warned this week that the rapid melting of the glaciers — receding at among the fastest rates in the world because of global warming — would initially cause floods in India, China and Nepal but would lead to water shortage within a few decades.

 自然保護基金は、今週、氷河の急速な氷解は、- 地球温暖化によって世界でも氷河の後退の割合が高いところ - 最初のうちはインドや中国、ネパールなどに洪水をもたらすだろうが、数十年後には水不足に陥るだろうと警告している。

 from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network