Saturday, February 11, 2006

地球温暖化大きな健康へのリスク - 科学者

World Crises | "Global warming a major health risk - scientists

LONDON, Feb 9 (Reuters) - Global warming is already causing death and disease across the world through flooding, environmental destruction, heatwaves and other extreme weather events, scientists said on Thursday.
And it is likely to get worse.
In a review published in The Lancet medical journal, the scientists said there was now a near-unanimous scientific consensus that rising levels of greenhouse gases would cause global warming and other climate changes."


Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Death toll rises from freezing weather. 31/01/2006. ABC News Online: "Death toll rises from freezing weather

Freezing weather is continuing to take its toll across Europe, with the number of dead in Poland rising above the 200 mark since the start of winter."
