Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Philippine floods kill 306

 QUEZON PROVINCE, Philippines (Reuters) - More than 300 people have died after flash floods and landslides devastated three coastal towns and left swathes of the northern Philippines under water.
 The death toll was expected to rise on Tuesday as rescuers were unable to reach areas cut off by huge mudslides and fast-moving floodwater in the wake of tropical depression Winnie and as the country braced for another powerful storm.

 ケソン州、フィリピン(ロイター)- 鉄砲水や土砂崩れが3つの海岸沿いの町を襲い300人以上が死亡し、フィリピン北部一体が水に浸かっている。

 from World Weather - Weather News from WN Network